[MAIN] Startup : x64 (DEBUG) (build Aug 30 2012 19:14:48) Usage: ngm [-c ] -q -r -o [parameter] Input/Output: -c/--config Path to the config file. The config file contains all advanced options. If this parameter is omitted, default values will be used. -r/--reference Path to the reference genome (format: FASTA, can be gzipped). -q/--query Path to the read file. Valid input formats are: FASTA/Q (gzipped), SAM/BAM If the query file is omitted, NGM will only preprocess the reference. -p/--paired Input data is paired end. (default: off) -I/--min-insert-size The minimum insert size for paired end alignments (default: 0) -X/--max-insert-size The maximum insert size for paired end alignments (default: 1000) Output: -o/--output Path to output file. --hard-clip Use hard instead of soft clipping for SAM output --silent-clip Hard clip reads but don't add clipping information to CIGAR string General: -t/--threads Number of candidate search threads -s/--sensitivity A value between 0 and 1 that determines the number of possible mapping locations that will be evaluated with an sequence alignment. 0 means that all possible mapping locations will be evaluated 1 means that only the best possible mapping location(s) will be evaluated Higher values will reduce the runtime but also have a negativ effect on maping sensitivity. (default: estimated from input data) -i/--min-identity <0-1> All reads mapped with an identity lower than this threshold will be reported as unmapped (default: 0.0) -R/--min-residues All reads mapped with lower than residues will be reported as unmapped (default: 0.0) -g/--gpu [int,...] Use GPU(s) for alignment computation (GPU Ids are zero-bassed!). With -g or --gpu GPU 0 will be used. With -g 1 or --gpu 1 GPU 1 will be used. With -g 0,1 or --gpu 0,1 GPU 0 and 1 will be used. If -g/--gpu is ommitted, alignments will be computed on the CPU (not supported for bs-mapping!) --bs-mapping Enables bisulfite mapping (For bs-mapping kmer-skip will be applied to the reads instead of the reference sequence). -h/--help Prints help and aborts program Advanced settings: -k/--kmer [10-14] Kmer length in bases. (default: 13) --kmer-skip Number of k-mers to skip when building the lookup table from the reference(default: 2) -m/mode [0|1] Alignment mode: 0 = local, 1 = semi-global. (default: 0) --corridor Width of SW corridor (default: 15)