------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNP2GO version 1.0.5 (May 16, 2016) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rebuild the SNP2GO package with recent versions of R (3.3.0) and bioconductor (3.3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNP2GO version 1.0.4 (November 13, 2015) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Test if SNPs are provided as GRanges objects. - Fixed: Test if GO terms are found in GFF file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNP2GO version 1.0.3 (November 13, 2015) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Parsing gene IDs in GTF files that contain a dot character failed. - Added: Error message, if no GO terms are found when parsing a GTF and mapping file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNP2GO version 1.0.2 (February 27, 2015) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Error if no significant results are found. - Fixed: Wrong calculation of number of informative SNPs. - Added: The NestedResults() function takes the result of the snp2go function as argument and returns a data frame, where GO terms are ordered by domain and level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNP2GO version 1.0.1 (April 30, 2014) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Error when list of significant GO terms is empty - Added: The snp2go function now provides additional information by returning 'goterms', 'regions' and 'go2ranges' variables. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNP2GO version 1.0 (February, 2014) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial release